LOL I have apparently already had 10 other posts named “Blah.” This is “blah 11.”
I am almost done with everything. Should be finished up this weekend… in fact everything is looking good enough that I’m switching my days off around. I’d originally put down I’d be off next Thursday and Friday (even though we aren’t leaving til Friday). I’d planned to have that Thursday off to finish up last minute stuff, pack, etc. But now I don’t think I need it, I think I’m going to switch to being off Tuesday AFTER instead, to have a day to recuperate. (I wish I could do both. I miss having 4 weeks of PTO like I did at my old job. LOL).
Also because everything is looking good (for both me and my costumes and Chase and his scooter project), we think we ARE going to be able to go up to the Ren Faire for a little bit Saturday morning. YAY!
So that meant yesterday I got home and pulled out Sarah Sanderson to check her over. I thought she’d be fun to wear.

Everything was fine on the bodice. Skirt I discovered I’d poached the eye of the hook and eye at the waistband, so I had to replace it. (For some reason I always run out of eyes before hooks, and I’ll often steal them off older costumes). Also finally added a full closure on the back of the skirt – I think before I just pinned it (lazy). I had a red zipper in my stash, so I sewed that on real quick and after 5 years Sarah is finally finished LOL.
I put it all on just to make sure nothing was funky (and to pin my chiffon overskirt up so it doesn’t drag on the ground), and kept tripping over something everytime I tried to move… finally looked down and discovered this:

Sole is separating from the shoe!! Thankfully it appears to be a clean separation, nothing is dry-rotted or anything. Glued it back on with some e6000 last night and left it to dry overnight. I’ll be packing a backup pair of boots though, just in case.
Then it was finally time to get to work on Mon Mothma’s chains/necklace.

Chase made the little metal pieces on the shoulder for me, and the medallion. So I started sewing together the braided ropes. The braid is AWFUL. You cut it and it completely unravels. Not just a little fraying and untwisting – no, like, the entire silver outer part starts wanting to fall apart. So everywhere I cut it, I had to use some silver ribbon to sew over it to keep it from looking like crap.

But most of it is towards the back, or under stuff, so hopefully it’s not super obvious.
I also bought some holographic thread a while back and I’m threading it around the braided ropes. At first I was like, this is doing nothing, you can barely see it… but when you move around it, it catches the light and looks pretty cool. Kinda makes up for not having as much metallic content to it that the real thing does.
Here’s my little shoulder medallions:

I’m using some rattail and a smaller silver cord for this part:

I got it all about… 75% done last night. I’ll finish it up this weekend.
In the land of the crazy pink thing, I ended up having to buy MORE feathers, they’ll be here tomorrow so I can finish all that up this weekend, too.
I’m going to make a post about it tomorrow — all of my recent progress photos I haven’t been able to share because it’ll give it away! But I’m tired of keeping it secret at this point. So big post tomorrow.
I also decided I wanted a folding fan to take with me… I’ve taken my TARDIS fan the past couple of years and it works fine but the silver paint on the handle always comes off on my hand. So I found a cute one on amazon:

Luna liked it, too.